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This introduction article will help to TeamDynamix Administrators, Service Catalog managers, and Knowledge Base managers to build HTML content using the TDClient interface.
This article outlines how the hyperlink underline styling is applied and what you can do to remove it within your custom content. As of version TeamDynamix 10.0, hyperlinks in the Client Portal are now underlined to make it clear to people who suffer from colorblindness that a link is present.
This introduction article will help content editors and authors learn the basics about managing article content in the Knowledge Base.
A demo of how you might design a technician desktop and suggestions for content
This document outlines the ways in which the Client Portal can be configured to have custom content and styling.
This article details common features and customizations of the TDX Client Portal, which provides public-facing content for clients without either TDX accounts or TDNext access.
This article explains how Knowledge Owners can use analysis and reporting tools, such as Google Analytics, to effectively manage and review knowledge base content.
This introduction article will help content editors and authors to learn the basics about managing article drafts in the Knowledge Base.
This introduction article will help content editors and service owners to manage the relationships between articles and services.
Markdown, created by John Gruber in 2004, is a lightweight markup language designed for formatting plain text, easily convertible to HTML and known for its simplicity and readability. It's widely used across documentation, blogging, academic writing, and note-taking for its ease of use and versatility in content creation.
This article outlines how to use the TeamDynamix Desktop Edit control with a keyboard.
This outlines how to create/modify Request Forms in the Admin tool.
This article will help TeamDynamix Administrators and Client Portal Application Administrators to create Service Catalog and Knowledge Base article templates.