Customer Satisfaction Survey Responses


With this report, you would provide your team with a breakdown of  your customer satisfaction survey.

Creating and Configuring the Report

  1. Click the +Report button
  2. Choose Survey Response Report from the list of options

Name and Description

  1. Be clear when entering the name and description of your reports, as you want the purpose of the report to be clear to your team.
    • For this example, you can type a name of Customer Satisfaction YTD and a description of your choosing, if so desired.

Select the Columns for your report

  1. For this report, we want to see the following minimum columns:
    • The name of the response question (the question you want to report on), and
    • Response Count

Add filtering to your report

  1. Set the following filter configurations:
    • Survey to determine which survey you want to report on, as well as
    • Survey Completed with a value of year to date.


There are many helpful charts you can configure, but to start out with, we recommend:

  1. A pie chart, with
  2. The name of the response question (same as selected above), and
  3. Value of Response Count
When you run your report, you will end up with something like this. You can click into each section of the pie for detailed information on your survey responses. 

Report Results


Additional Recommendations

Consider putting this report on a leadership desktop or setting up weekly email delivery your Service Desk Manager. Follow-up calls should take place for responses that are classified as "Somewhat" and "Very Dissatisfied".  Use these ratings to determine improvement over time.

33% helpful - 3 reviews