Time Type Audit Report

Is there a way to run a report (or something / anything) to audit the time types assigned to projects?

Tags report projects time-types Audit
Asked by Billy McDivitt on Fri 12/6/24 2:58 PM
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Answer (1)

Brittany Renn Fri 12/6/24 3:35 PM

Hi Billy, 

Time Types should be assigned to the Project Types in TDAdmin > Projects > Project Types > Select Type > Project Time Types. 

Does that help at all? 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support 

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Hi Brittany,
Thanks, but no, that doesn't help. I do know how to assign Time Types to Projects. What I'm looking for is how to go through our list of 146 active projects and verify that and see which Time Type(s) is assigned to each project. Seems like a simple enough report, but I can't find a Time Type field to report on by project, or vice versa but the the former would be more useful.
I basically want to audit Time Type Project Assignments to find projects that need a Time Type or have the wrong Time Type assigned. Right now I'm having to go project by project.
- Billy McDivitt Fri 12/6/24 3:49 PM