Referencing FormDynamicElements


I'm using FormDynamicElements to add fields to a form, but I'm unable to find how to reference those fields for the form's submission flow. Surely, if there's a way to add fields to a form there's a way to collect the data back from them, right? Thank you in advance for any insight.


- Amanda

Tags iPaaS dynamic-forms formdynamicelements
Asked by Amanda X on Mon 11/4/24 8:01 AM
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Answer (1)

Mark Sayers Mon 11/4/24 10:14 AM

Hi Amanda,

Can you provide the name of the flow you are trying to run in this scenario?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Do you mean the name of the flow that provides the dynamic content or the form's submission flow? Currently, the form's submission flow is empty due to the above inability to retrieve data. Both flows can be found in the Purchasing and Accounts Payable application labeled "DynamicContent" and "Travel Auth Submit 2", respectively. - Amanda X Mon 11/4/24 10:31 AM