Report on Tickets with no Time Associated
I'm looking to create a report of all the tickets for a particular acct/dept that have no time associated to them (in the T&E tab) so that our managers can follow up with folks and have them add time to tickets where it might have been missed. This is looking at tickets, not tasks. Is this possible and how/where would the best way to do that?
Asked by Steve Aker
on Tue 10/29/24 12:41 PM
Last edited Tue 10/29/24 12:41 PM
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Mark Sayers
Tue 10/29/24 1:28 PM
Hi Steve,
It generally is not possible to report on the "absence" of something in TeamDynamix, like a ticket *not* having any time entries against it. It would make a decent enhancement request though.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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