TDX Desktops

Is it possible to remove access for Technicians to create their own desktops?

Is it possible to remove access to feeds .

Idea here is remove access for Technician for feeds and desktops so that Technicians should not create their own desktops .

Is there any option to disable Feeds for everyone and only allow Admins to see those feeds?


Tags feed tdx destop
Asked by Amritpal Singh on Mon 9/9/24 11:48 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 9/10/24 9:30 AM

Hello Amritpal,

Is it possible to remove access for Technicians to create their own desktops? No, a technician can always create a desktop for themselves from any reports/modules they have access to run.

Is it possible to remove access to feeds? If you mean RSS feeds, no, it is not currently possible to remove someone's ability to generate a new feed.

Idea here is remove access for Technician for feeds and desktops so that Technicians should not create their own desktops .

Is there any option to disable Feeds for everyone and only allow Admins to see those feeds? Again, no this is not possible.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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