Adding values from selection in a multiselect listbox

I might be missing something obvious, but on an iPaaS form is there a way to take the values from selections in a multiselect listbox and add them up without a flow? I've got a multiselect listbox with accessories to be ordered with the value for each set to the price. I'd like to have a label get updated with the total based on the price values of the selected items. The problem I'm running into is that it wants a row when adding the element into the expression but the row could change based on what's selected. I've also tried using the "Sum of ident" expression for the listbox element, but that doesn't appear to work either. 

I'd like to avoid utilizing a flow so you can get the total cost live without needing to have a flow interrupt after each selection to do the calculations. 

Tags iPaaS multiselect listbox
Asked by Andrew Dzierla on Thu 9/5/24 9:10 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 9/9/24 5:07 PM

Hi Andrew,

The following was suggested to me by our iPaaS team: If you're using a multiselect, you can have an additional element, like a text box with a click change condition so when a choice is select in the multiselect, you would set the value as an expression, and have it set to the list box value + the value of the choice selected. A row doesn't need to be set, if you took the raw data, it creates a comma separated string:

But if you add an expression, you can add them together

It takes a lot of tweaking to get it to work right but this could be a solution without the need to use a flow.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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