Preventing override of approvals?
Hi there. I was wondering, for tickets that have a workflow attached which includes an approval process, is there any way to prevent people with the Technician role from manually approving these if they aren't the approver, without using the security setting for the technician role?
In this use case, I just want to prevent the Technician role from being able to override the Approval for change tickets only, if that helps any.
Thanks in advance,
Answer (1)
Hello Kay,
If someone has the permission on their ticketing app security role for The user will be able to always approve/reject/skip ticket workflow steps, they will always be able to skip/approve/reject workflow steps in that ticket app. There isn't a way to both give them this permission and also restrict the kind (or classification) of ticket they use it on.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS