Asset Import Limitations
Is there a limitation on how many Asset rows can be Imported? I have a large number of Assets to import into a new Assets App (almost 300K). I am trying to test it in our Sandbox but I get a TeamDynamix error screen stating:
We're sorry, but there has been an error in this application.
If you continue to experience this error, please log out and log back in. If the problem persists, please contact your TeamDynamix administrator.
It works fine for small volumes.
Answers (2)
Thank you Mark. Good to hear from you! I was able to do a 10,000 row import in our Sandbox, took about 3 minutes. I'll try something a little bigger to see where I hit a limit.
Another question has to do with the 50,000 row limit in TDX reporting: Set the maximum number of rows to retrieve. I need to be able to filter certain subsets of these Assets and also to group, count and sum on various attributes. That was my main thought for using TDX for this set of assets. I like the reporting, charting, and desktop capabilities. How can I use TDX reports to do this with 300K assets rows?
Many thanks,
Jon Ricketson
Hello Jon,
I would not try to import all 300k of those at once (in the instance that it could have errors during the import, but it's likely to time out). Try cutting it into manageable chunks of just a few thousand at a time per file, or maybe try cutting down to like 10k per file and see how that goes.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS