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TDNext Asset Importer - Assigning Owner via OrgID

Is there any way to assign the owner through asset import off of a simpler field? It is nearly impossible to generate the format that the importer wants for owner by pulling data from other systems and I'd like to just use the person objects Orga...
2 Answers
Justin Rasmussen Last activity on 4/11/2024 11:23:54 AM by Sonya Martin

Asset Import - multi-value attributes

Can you import an attribute that can have multiple values, e.g.

if so, what's the format of the value in the import file?
2 Answers
David Tod Last activity on 9/15/2023 9:55:39 AM by Mark Sayers

Asset Import

Under IT Inventory, I expect to see an option to import assets, however, this option is missing for me. I only have contract import, product model import and vendor import. I don't see an option for asset import. How can I make this op...
1 Answer
Darrell Millar Last activity on 6/12/2023 11:48:44 AM by Mark Sayers

Asset Relationship imports

We are moving from a homegrown system into TDX for Asset Management. The current system supports the use of dependencies at an And/Or level. Or is used for multiple dependencies. What I am wondering is if there is a way for us to use the External...
1 Answer
David Robertson Last activity on 12/15/2022 10:57:40 AM by Mark Sayers

Asset update via Asset Import form- Parent field

I have a user attempting to update multiple Assets using the Asset Import form and we noticed that under the "Parent" field, it will not accept any Name or Service Tag, it will only allow us to use a Serial Number in this field. Is there anyway f...
1 Answer
Tibi Ruiz Last activity on 11/15/2022 9:00:29 AM by Mark Sayers

Bulk Update an Asset Without Changing Status?

We recently added a custom attribute to all of our assets, and now we're trying to do a bulk update using the Asset Import xlsx spreadsheet.
However we don't want to alter the 'Status' of the assets, and that seems to be a required fi...
1 Answer
Nathan Ignatz Last activity on 10/7/2022 1:15:05 PM by Mark Sayers

Bulk Asset Import API (Custom Attributes)

Following this documentation, here is the payload that I am sending to the /assets/import endpoint:
"Items": [
"SerialNumber": "ABCDE",
"ExternalID": 1234,
1 Answer
Daniel Hammond Last activity on 7/20/2022 10:56:45 AM by Mark Sayers