Generating Access Token with Service Account
I am currently working on adding a workflow web service with MSGraph so that I can post messages to teams. I had originally used my own account to generate the access token for testing purposes but am now trying to generate the token from a Service Account we have created so that the message in teams originates from that.
The issue I am having is that when I am generating the token I am unable to use a different account for the authentication as it automatically logs in with my own account.
Is there a different way that I can generate the token in a different way, or prevent the auto login when generating the token?
Thank you,
Tuscun McFarlen
Answer (1)
Hi Tuscan,
You could try to bypass SSO and log into TDX through an incognito window with your local non-SSO credentials, as outlined in this KB:
Brittany Renn
TDX Support