This article is especially relevant to customers who have been appending "td" to their domain name (e.g., domainnametd.teamdyamix.com instead of domainname.teamdynamix.com) or using "app.teamdynamix.com" to access their environment without logging in via SSO. This method of logging in will no longer work as of March 20, 2021.
Administrators, and in some cases users (like 3rd-party consultants), may have a need to bypass SSO and use a local login to TeamDynamix if SSO isn't working/is not available to them. In order to bypass SSO, you will need
- Your local TeamDynamix password
- Have SSO-only Authentication disabled in your organization's SSO configuration. If SSO-only Authentication is enabled, it can ONLY be bypassed by a user with full-admin access logging in directly to TDAdmin. The instructions to do this in each environment are outlined below.
Bypassing SSO in Production
- Navigate to one of the following URLs:
- Admin: https://yourdomainname/TDAdmin/LoginTDAuth.aspx
- Users: https://yourdomainname/TDNext/LoginTDAuth.aspx
- Client Portal: https://yourdomainname/TDClient/LoginTDAuth.aspx
- Mobile: https://yourdomainname/TDMobile/LoginTDAuth
- User your local TeamDynamix username and password to login
- Your username will be the same as the username you use to login via SSO
- If you are logging into TDAdmin to disable SSO, you further need to:
- Click the Security tab
- Click Configure SSO
- Click Disable SSO
- You and the other users in your environment can now access your environment using your normal URL.
- Re-enable SSO when issues that required you to bypass it have been resolved.
Bypassing SSO in Sandbox
- Navigate to one of the following URLs:
- Admin: https://yourdomainname/SBTDAdmin/LoginTDAuth.aspx
- Users: https://yourdomainname/SBTDNext/LoginTDAuth.aspx
- Client Portal: https://yourdomainname/SBTDClient/LoginTDAuth.aspx
- Mobile: https://yourdomainname/SBTDMobile/LoginTDAuth
- Follow steps 1-3 above.
Non-Vanity URL Customers
- My TeamDynamix URL is orgname.teamdynamix.com, and I want to bypass SSO for my production environment.
- To bypass SSO in Admin, I navigate to https://orgname.teamdynamix.com/TDAdmin/LoginTDAuth.aspx
- I follow steps 1-3 above.
Vanity URL Customers
- My TeamDynamix URL is services.orgname.com, and I want to bypass SSO for my production environment.
- To bypass SSO in Admin, I navigate to https://services.orgname.com/TDAdmin/LoginTDAuth.aspx
- I follow steps 1-3 above.
Gotchas & Pitfalls
If SSO-only Authentication is enabled, local authentication bypass will only work for TDAdmin. SSO-only authentication will disallow even full admins from logging in to TeamDynamix locally for TDNext, TDClient, and TDMobile.