Project Total Expense Budget differs from Total Expense Types Budget

I have a project that shows 2 different budget amounts.  The total Expense Types Budget matches what I've entered and is correct.  The total Expenses Budget is a different number and I can't determine where it came from or how to edit it.  Unfortunately this is the one that appears on my reports.  Any advice for how to research and correct this?



Tags project budget
Asked by Kimberly Lawrence on Wed 7/24/24 9:51 AM Last edited Wed 7/24/24 9:51 AM
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Mark Sayers Wed 7/24/24 10:17 AM

Hello Kimberly,

Can you advise what screen you were on where you found these totals provided for your project? ie. how did you get to the page where this information was displayed?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I attached a screen shot. I can get to that screen from Admin by going to project and pulling the project up. I can get to the same screen by going in TDNext and going to the projects tab, opening the project, choosing details, and then expenses. - Kimberly Lawrence Wed 7/24/24 10:21 AM
Ok I see. So the Total Expense Types Budget is the calculation of all of the Estimated totals for all of your project's Expense Types.

The Total Expenses Budget is the number you entered on the project's General section under Time & Expenses in the Expenses Budget field.
- Mark Sayers Wed 7/24/24 10:27 AM