iPaas SQL Query Timeout

I have several long running queries that are timing out pulling data back to my iPaas flows.  I have updated the connection timeout in the connection string for MS SQL to 60 seconds and I have reviewed the configuration of the SQL server and verified that the timeout is set to 600 seconds.  I am still seeing queries time out at aroudn 30 seconds.  Any ideas on what I should try next?

Asked by Michael Olson on Wed 7/10/24 9:22 PM
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Answer (1)

Michael Ligouri Fri 7/26/24 12:24 PM

Hi Michael,

Are you running these steps in test mode or in actual Flow Runs (such as triggered runs, or clicking the Run Flow button)? If your connector is using a proxy, it will have a shorter timeout for test mode.

Mike Ligouri
Technical Support Consultant

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