Asset/CI Field Question

Hello and thank you for your time.

I am just trying to better understand how the Asset/CI field works on a form a bit more clearly.

I have a team member who is attempting to use 2 custom Asset/CI fields to add assets to a ticket. When I say add assets to a ticket, I am specifically meaning having them associated with the ticket in the Asset/CI tab on top of the ticket. When using custom Asset/CI fields, this doesn't happen for us.

When using the standard Asset/CI field, this does associate the asset with the ticket in the asset tab. However, once it's entered it can only be edited from the tab and you are obviously only able to use that field once per form. This doesn't work best with the form we are updating as we would like two separate fields for two separate types of assets to make it easier for the customer to enter that information.

So my main question is, is there a way to make custom Asset/CI fields add assets to the Asset/CI tab? That being said, if you have any further helpful information or can link me to a knowledge base article to help navigate my question that would be great. I do understand that the ultimate answer may be a dynamic form using iPaaS.

Thank you!

Tags asset-ci
Asked by Joshua Twardosz on Mon 7/8/24 11:04 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 7/8/24 11:36 AM

Hello Joshua,

 When using custom Asset/CI fields, this doesn't happen: that is correct, and also currently expected.

Is there a way to make custom Asset/CI fields add assets to the Asset/CI tab? Unfortunately no this isn't possible currently, but it would make a great enhancement request.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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