Duplicate iPaaS flows in Workflow Steps

When selecting an iPaaS flow for an iPaaS step in a workflow, some iPaaS flows appear twice. One of them works and the other doesn't and when they're run, they have different PIds according to the ticket feed. I tried looking for what could cause this, but didn't see anything obvious. Could this be a configuration error, or is it a bug?


Tags iPaaS
Asked by Isaac Ramirez on Wed 7/3/24 4:02 PM Last edited Wed 7/3/24 4:02 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 7/3/24 4:07 PM

Hello Isaac,

It would appear that your iPaaS environment legitimately *does* have multiple flows (in different applications) with the same exact name. That is the most likely cause of this behavior.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Oh, I see. Applications > All Flows in iPaaS doesn't show them all, but Administration > All Flows does show the duplicates. I guess I'll figure out where those came from. Thanks!

- Isaac Ramirez Wed 7/3/24 4:42 PM