How to enter/edit Estimated Hours on a ticket

We want to enter estimated hours in a ticket so that we can gauge the level of effort.  The Estimated Hours field is read only when we "edit" a ticket.

How do we enter/change/edit the Estimated Hours on a ticket?

Tags ticket estimated-hours
Asked by Ward Durossette on Tue 7/2/24 3:59 PM
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Brittany Renn Tue 7/2/24 4:19 PM

Hi Ward, 

Is the Estimated Hours field marked as "Read Only" on the ticket form in TDAdmin? If so, you'd want to change that to "Editable" for TDNext and then you should be able to edit it. 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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Greetings Brittany,

Like Ward, I have a situation where the Estimated Hours attribute is listed as Editable within a form, yet it is grayed out while attempting to edit a ticket created with that form.

Could Estimated Hours be a protected attribute, given it is intended to be an initial estimate that you would want to keep recorded and not change?


- Torstein Early Wed 8/21/24 12:46 PM
If you open that form in TDAdmin > Applications > Ticket App > Forms > Select Form, you should be able change the Estimated Hours field from "Editable" to "Read-Only," which would prevent users from being able to change that value. - Brittany Renn Wed 8/21/24 1:06 PM
Hi Brittany,

Sorry; I could have been more clear. I have a user who want's to be able to edit the Estimated Hours for a ticket, and is unable to do so as far as we know. The field is already set to "Editable" within their form, yet tickets being edited still show the field as grayed out and unable to e edited despite being marked as editable.

It seems as if there is a disconnect between TDAdmin and TDNext; TDAdmin seems to indicate that the field should be editable. However, we are unable to do so in TDNext.

I'm not sure if that is by design, and TDAdmin needs to be changed to remove the option for that field to be editable, or if there is a bug on the TDNext side that is preventing the field from being editable.

Take care.

- Torstein Early Wed 8/21/24 1:24 PM
Does the ticket in question have a ticket task by chance? When a ticket contains ticket tasks with estimated hours and start/end dates, the ticket's start/end dates and estimated hours are aggregated from those tasks. - Brittany Renn Wed 8/21/24 1:35 PM
I see; yes that is the case here; I'll let the team know.
- Torstein Early Wed 8/21/24 1:36 PM