iPaaS Form Connector with Microsoft Graph Credentials?

When trying to set up the Send Form we are not able to view or select our Microsoft Graph Credentials under the drop-down. Is this step able to be used with this credential type?


Tags iPaaS Send SendForm
Asked by Brandon Simpson on Tue 7/2/24 2:07 PM Last edited Tue 7/2/24 2:54 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 7/2/24 2:47 PM

Hello Brandon,

What is the name of the form you are working on with this connector issue?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

No feedback
Form: Academic Second Chance - Petition Review
Flow: Petition Review Committee Approvals - ASC
- Brandon Simpson Tue 7/2/24 2:50 PM
I don't see a shared credential for Graph API in your environment. I see one for SMTP, which is what is chosen currently on that submit form flow step. - Mark Sayers Tue 7/2/24 3:24 PM
Hello Mark, thank you very much for your time. I apologize for the lack of a better initial description.
The following is how we were hoping to leverage the Send Form connector.
Application: Students

In Students App Credentials: We have two. Registration Petitions TDX SMTP (SMTP Username/Password authen) and Registration Petitions TDX oAuth2 (Microsoft Graph authen.) NOTE: Screenshot 1 is attached to this question, named OAuth vs SMTP.jpg. We did not want to use Account-wide credentials and only placed them in the Student's application.

After creating the Microsoft Graph credentials, we noticed that when trying to select them from the drop on the Send Form configuration screen, it only displays SMTP username/password credentials and not our new ones. We are moving away from SMTP since Microsoft is deprecating it. We need to migrate from using the SMTP to Microsoft Graph. I am probably missing something, but screenshot 2 is also attached, providing more details. Thank you!
- Brandon Simpson Wed 7/3/24 9:09 AM
The recommendation would be to set up a notification provider using a graph credential, publish it and it would appear in the "notification method" dropdown.

Here is a KB on creating a new notification provider: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=147201
- Mark Sayers Wed 7/3/24 10:27 AM
Thank you as always, Mark. Does this approach using the Notification Provider count as a metered connector? - Brandon Simpson Wed 7/3/24 10:33 AM
No it does not. - Mark Sayers Wed 7/3/24 10:38 AM