Combined Task and Workflow Step Report

I've noticed that some technicians are missing workflow steps and or tasks. Can I create a single report that contains incomplete workflow steps and tasks regardless of ticket status? Or do you have another approach?


Tags report workflow task step
Asked by John Anderson on Thu 6/20/24 4:19 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 6/20/24 4:36 PM

Hi John,

I believe a Ticket Task type report would have to be used to detect incomplete workflow Tasks, and a Ticket report would have to be used to detect where the current workflow step was an approval step assigned to the person in question.

There isn't a way to combine these currently.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks, Mark. In general I'm attempting to make sure technicians are seeing all work assigned to them or their group(s). So, I have created a desktop with 6 reports to show the logged in technician's active tasks, technician's workflow steps, technician's tickets, group tickets, group active tasks, and group workflow steps. - John Anderson Mon 6/24/24 12:00 PM