Is there any way to have the "Last Updated" attribute for projects respond to changes to custom attributes on the update form

Is there any way to have the "Last Updated" attribute respond to changes to custom attributes on the update form?

We've noticed that if our project managers update a project and only modify custom attributes in the update form, the "Last Updated" date isn't modified and projects can be automatically moved to yellow or red despite having been updated.  It seems you have to change the Status, Health, Percent Complete, or add a comment in order for the automation to recognize the project as "updated".   Ideally any update made on the update form would cause the project to be considered to have been "updated" but at the moment that does not appear to be the case. 


Does anyone have a solution or a creative workaround for this?

Tags project
Asked by Bates Nunamaker on Fri 6/14/24 1:25 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 6/14/24 1:37 PM

Hello Bates,

I believe thsi would constitute an enhancement request to ask for those types of changes to modify the project's Last Modified date.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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