Customized default project form

How does the default new Project form, the one at "Apps/Projects/TeamManagement/ProjectGeneral.aspx" get customized?

Tags project
Asked by Bobby Jones on Fri 6/7/24 5:48 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Mon 6/10/24 9:00 AM

Hello Bobby,

That project form is not configurable. It will by default show all standard project fields, followed by all global custom attributes (ie those not configured to be tied to a specific project Type), followed by any custom attributes that are related specifically to the project Type you select on that page.

There isn't a way to specify field ordering or anything else that appears on that form page as it is a system default page, similar to what you see when you create a new ticketing service in the service catalog and go to request it without configuring a custom form for it, there are fields that appear that are required to create the item in question, and you can't edit those.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Bobby Jones Mon 6/10/24 9:16 AM


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