Establishing a connection to Tableau and Building Tableau SLA Reports

My org is wanting to build out some SLA reports in Tableau using TDX data. I'm trying to identify different ways to get service, ticket, technician and group data to Tableau. An initial search of the TDX support documentation says that there is Tableau iPaas connector but that that's about it. I'm on the hunt for any resources as to how to get this started. Any help would be appreciated.


Tags tableau iPaaS
Asked by Victoria Nunez on Fri 6/7/24 3:35 PM
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Answer (1)

Mark Sayers Fri 6/7/24 4:48 PM

Hi Victoria,

I'll leave this open in case the general populace has suggestions for you, but I do see that we responded to your ticket 25667953 where you submitted the same question. Follow up there if you need to pick our iPaaS folks' brains on this topic.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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