API endpoint for Service Offerings?

I found information on retrieving information on a specific service offering, but I don't see a way to retrieve what service offerings exist under a particular service. There's an endpoint for creating one and and endpoint for deleting one, but nothing to list the ones that exist.  I'd expect to be able to do a GET to an endpoint like https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDWebApi/api/{appId}/services/{serviceId}/offerings ... but that's not supported.  Alternatively, it could be an attribute (list / array) on the service itself, but that's not the case either.

TLDR; how do I get a list of service offerings from the API?


Tags API service-offering
Asked by Robert Rust on Thu 6/6/24 12:01 PM Last edited Thu 6/6/24 12:02 PM
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Answer (1)

Mark Sayers Thu 6/6/24 12:31 PM

Hello Robert,

You should see an array of service offerings if you were to do a GET https://YourDomainHere/TDWebApi/api/{appId}/services/{id} in the returned results.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.

I missed seeing the note in the docs regarding the fact that ServiceOffering data is not included when retrieving the list of services from the services endpoint. While I understand not wanting to include that level of detail, may I suggest that the ServiceOfferingCount attribute at least be populated to reflect that some offerings exist?

- Robert Rust Thu 6/6/24 2:51 PM
I can definitely see how that could offer value, sure. I'd recommend (since this public forum isn't monitored for enhancement requests specifically) submitting that via this service here: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/Requests/TicketRequests/NewForm?ID=0fZF3UNVAPE_&RequestorType=ServiceOffering - Mark Sayers Thu 6/6/24 3:57 PM