Email Error: Unable to load email message. Platform Email Id '1582', Email Id: 'Unknown'.

We get this email about a hundred times every minute. They're non stop. Not sure what we need to do to fix the issue. If someone could assist, it would be appreciated. Thank you!

the body text includes...

"The attached message was sent to an inbox and could not be processed by the Email Monitor 'Email Replies' with the ID of '2'. Please see the error information below and then check the logs in the Admin application for more information.


Error Description:

Incoming email record for platform email id [1580] couldn't be found or is in the wrong state."


Tags email-monitor alert-email email-behavior
Asked by Sean St. Pierre on Thu 5/30/24 1:19 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 5/30/24 1:56 PM

Hi Sean,

This may be difficult to troubleshoot as a Question in the public forums, but when did this start happening?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

No feedback
About one hour ago. At 12:35 I believe. - Sean St. Pierre Thu 5/30/24 2:01 PM
I think I am on the line now with someone who is working on this from your office. Let's hold off on adding more communication until that person confirms they can get things straightened out. - Mark Sayers Thu 5/30/24 2:03 PM