Notification template possibly

Hi all,

User mentioned they could not click on ticket number from a custom notification template. I verified this worked in the past. I created a test ticket and tested it myself with a standard account I created, and I can not access the ticket. I am getting the message below. Any ideas?

This is the HTML in the notification template, but it was working. {{ID}} tag is where the number hyperlink is located.


Tags field header long
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Thu 5/30/24 1:09 PM
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Mark Sayers Thu 5/30/24 1:40 PM

Hi Michael,

I am afraid I don't see anything appearing to show an error or issue. Can you provide screen shots or the content you were intending to provide when you posted this question?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,

We tested it some more and it is working. It must have been some one off issue.
- Michael Rodriguez Thu 5/30/24 4:04 PM