How Do I enable a Form Submit Acknowledgement page

I am basically trying to recreate the same page you'd see creating a ticket using the client portal but for ipaas forms, that includes a link to view the ticket you created, and a link to submit another request of the same type.

I created a template of type 'Form Submit Acknowledgement' in an ipaas application

I cannot figure out how to actually enable it. I am looking at this article and it doesnt seem to have this info:



Tags iPaaS
Asked by Peter Dawes on Wed 5/29/24 12:12 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 6/26/24 4:03 PM

Hi Peter,

On the flow attached to the form where you want this to display > under form submission section, edit and select the template under "success submit behavior"


But I don't think you can plug information into it from there. This happens after the form is submitted.

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