Viewing tickets on workspace calendar


I've added a handful of tickets to a workspace as a way to group these tickets together and plan the upcoming work. These tickets each have start and due dates set and can be visually displayed in the Timeline view. The timeline view is nice, but only shows one week and it would be nice to see a monthly view. 

My workspace has a calendar, and I've checked in each ticket "Add to Calendar", but the workspace calendar does not have an option to display published tickets.

Is there a way to only display published tickets directly from this workspace calendar, or can I only see published tickets in the system wide Calendar and filtering by Project/Workspace?

Thank you!


Asked by Sam Fischer on Fri 5/24/24 9:41 AM
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Brittany Renn Tue 5/28/24 11:35 AM

Hi Sam, 

Have you considered using the ticket calendar located in TDNext > Ticket App > Standard Reports > Ticket Calendar? If you're just needing to see the ticket itself on the calendar, I believe it will show there if the ticket has Start and End Dates supplied. 

You could also create a Saved Search in your ticket app, as outlined here:

Let me know if you have further questions! 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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