Add a second functional instance in sandbox?

Hi folks, hoping for a bit of help here: Our Web Services team (which does not fall under IT) is interested in getting their own TD license and using it to track their work, and this question is not how to go about buying and provisioning all that, but rather that I want to set up a second "test" instance of TD in our sandbox that they could have access to and demo hands on to give them a better idea of whether they'd like to move forward with implenenting it for themselves.  I feel like there has to be a way to do this but I can't find any.  I thought of just creating a custom ticketing and client portal app for them to play with, but I don't seem able to actually do anything with them: the sandbox only seems to let me use the default apps, I can't seem to find a setting to "select" different default client portal or ticketing apps (which raises the question then of what the point of being able to create multiple apps in the first place is, but that's another story).  Letting them use the existing sandbox is not an option we are willing to consider.

I haven't found any documentation or instructions for this in my Googling excursions, so would anyone here be able to point me in the right direction or give me a starting point to do something like this?

Thanks, appreciate anyone who can help!


Tags ticketing clientportal instance
Asked by Stuart Carapola on Fri 5/3/24 10:53 AM
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Mark Sayers Fri 5/3/24 11:35 AM

Hello Stuart,

If they truly need their own entire instance where they can interact with "sandbox" things but not affect your own sandbox, that would require a purchased environment. You'd want to refer to your CSX team to ask about what that might cost. Would you like me to ask them to reach out?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I don't think that will be necessary, they just need something to play around with for a few days and I just don't want to give them access to the existing stuff because there's sensitive information in the tickets I can't really give them free access to. If you know a way to give them just a simple kind of sample ticketing app and client portal setup for them to try out in the existing instance then that would be fine. - Stuart Carapola Fri 5/3/24 12:25 PM
You can create a new app for ticketing for them to get into, and if they need it create a new client portal. That way you can give them access to just those apps (and the main client portal for the org, because that is required, but just give them a client license in that one) then let them do whatever they want in their fresh app. It will only exist until the next SB refresh happens then it'll get overwritten by the copy of Prod data anyway, so it doesn't matter what they do in their own apps. - Mark Sayers Fri 5/3/24 12:58 PM
But can that function separately from the existing sandbox, which is a mirror of production? I did create a ticketing app for them, but there was no separate URL for them to log into it with, and I didn't seem able to switch which ticketing app was the "default" in our sandbox. This is why I thought a second instance would be the way to go initially, but if you know (or can point me to instructions) how to set up an entirely separate sandbox just for this one guy to try out, that would be great! - Stuart Carapola Fri 5/3/24 1:05 PM
It is the same URL, but users only have access to the applications that you grant them access to on their individual user accounts.

There's *no* functionality to give them their own unique "sandbox", but you can give them access to an app that only they can access, and don't give them access to any of your apps, and to them it'll be as if they are in their own Sandbox.

Just don't give them TDAdmin access as an org admin in Sandbox.
- Mark Sayers Fri 5/3/24 1:23 PM
AHHHHHH, it all makes sense now! Thanks Mark, you're a wizard! Have a great weekend! - Stuart Carapola Fri 5/3/24 3:05 PM
Hi Mark, need your further expertise on this one: so I build separate Client Portal and Ticketing apps for the Web guy, added him as a user in our Sandbox, gave him access only to the apps I created for him, created custom security roles in both apps just for him where I gave him an Enterprise license and checked off every permission I can possibly give the guy, but when he goes to the URL to log into either our SBTDNext or SBTDAdmin, it tells him he doesn't have permissions to access either page. I know I'm missing something simple, do you have any idea what I might have overlooked?

- Stuart Carapola Tue 5/14/24 11:17 AM
It sounds like his username in TDX might not be a match for what your SSO system is sending us on his account's EPPN value. It will generate an error like that if the EPPN value is not finding a matching value for their username in TDX. - Mark Sayers Tue 5/14/24 12:32 PM