Display Objects/Tables on Dynamic Form

We are new to IPaaS and so far searching has not been able to yield an answer. Is there a way to display and object passed into a form either as a table or even just the JSON. Currently its only coming back showing [object object] when we try to add the properties.  

Some additional details on the use case for this - Since user security roles in TDX can only be changed at the global level, we need a solution to allow the admins at the application level to change users to technicians and add them to their application. We built a form to look up and return the user information as part of this process but we would like to display their current access. The flow that feeds into this application returns this but I can't seem to figure out an easy way to display each of the rows in the object.

Thanks in advance!

Tags iPaaS
Asked by Brent Wickham on Thu 5/2/24 1:31 PM Last edited Thu 5/2/24 1:32 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 5/2/24 2:59 PM

Hello Brent,

You could try using an HTML template that is a table and populate the template in the flow, then use the HTML passed back into the form. Does that sound like something you're comfortable with trying?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
HI Mark,

I had considered using HTML in the form itself if I could figure out how to interact with the object but passing HTML back from the flow as a property makes sense. I am comfortable with that approach.


- Brent Wickham Thu 5/2/24 3:18 PM