Project Resource Status

When I'm in TDX > Projects > Resources, I see a list of resources, and each resource has a status.   I'm trying to find what table that value comes from.

The value seems to be the status of the Resource, not the status of the Project.   All of the examples I look at show 'Current' as the status.  This value is not find in the STATUSES table. 

Other values on this page are taken from ScheduledActualHours, FunctionalRoles and Users, but I don't find anything that looks to hold the status of the Resource.  Any suggestions?

Tags project status ProjectResources
Asked by Kimberly Clapp on Thu 4/25/24 4:27 PM Last edited Thu 4/25/24 4:27 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 4/25/24 5:06 PM

Hello Kimberly,

We reviewed this request internally and feel it falls in line with the "database design/database-first reporting" line of questioning similar to your recent ticket 25180793. The response we would provide is therefore fairly similar in that database design questions are over and above the scope of our usual Support offerings, as database-first reporting and documentation is not a service that we offer as a company. If there are any other ways we can help you in regards to TDX products, please do let us know by creating a ticket.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 2 users found this helpful.
Let me ask this a bit differently then.
In Project > Resources, there is a list of resources associated with the project, and each resource has a 'status'.
Is this the status of the resource in general? or the status of the resource specific to this project? It doesn't seem that this value is assigned when the resource is assigned to the project, and it doesn't seem like this value can be changed when editing the project, so I would like to know more about this value. The only data I find always has the value as 'Current'.
- Kimberly Clapp Fri 4/26/24 3:02 PM
The status you see there is the person's status specific to that project, so are they an active resource on the project or not.

You can, if you are the PM of the project, go to your Resources section, click a person's name, and there will be a "Deactivate" button at the top of the next window if they are an active member of the project currently.
- Mark Sayers Fri 4/26/24 4:07 PM
When we do this activity (deactivate a resource), the 'Status' of the resource changes, and their name updates to $Person(inactive). What are the options for this value? Is it related to Resource Requests - So maybe the valid values are only Current or Requested? - Kimberly Clapp Mon 4/29/24 2:58 PM
Yes that would be correct. - Mark Sayers Mon 4/29/24 3:25 PM