{{NextTicketsUrl}}, {{ClientUrl}}, etc. not working when user authenticates
We have a vanity URL with TeamDynamix.
I have notification templates that use the {{NextTicketsUrl}} and {{ClientUrl}} template tags.
When a person taps the link in the notification email and is already authenticated, the link works correctly.
When a person taps the link in the notification email and has to authenticate into TDX, the link does not work - the user is dropped off at a more generic TDNext/TDClient page.
Is there anything TeamDynamix or I can do to make the link work when a person authenticates after tapping the link?
Answer (1)
Hello Greg,
Have they allowed pop-ups from your vanity domain in their browser of choice?
When not authenticated, it usually opens in a pop-up, especially for a TDNext ticket link for example.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS