Filter on task responsible person group

What filter can I use to show a task's group responsibility when the task is assigned to a person? For example, a task is created for the Business Services group. Then, a member of the Business Services group takes the task. The task resp changes from "Business Services" to "Business Services / John Anderson."  

What report filter looks for the group Business Services when the task is assigned to a person? 

I tried filtering on Workflow Step Resp Group, but that only works if the task is only assigned to a group.  I also tried Resp Group (Current), but again that stops working when the person takes the task.

Tags group responsible task
Asked by John Anderson on Fri 4/5/24 4:14 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 4/5/24 4:27 PM

Hello John,

What type of report are you running this from currently?

It sounds like a ticket report?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

No feedback
Hi Mark. Yes, ticket report. - John Anderson Thu 4/18/24 3:40 PM
It should be the Resp (Current) to show the value of the person(s) currently assigned to the ticket or its active tasks. - Mark Sayers Thu 4/18/24 3:43 PM