Showing people who report to themselves in a report?

We have some individuals who are set up to report to themselves in Windows AD, and that's how they get imported into TD as well. Is there a way to filter for this on a report or in a query so that we can see a list of people who have the same name in the Reports To field as their own name?

Tags reports
Asked by Kay Brewer on Mon 4/1/24 12:12 PM
Hello, I would also like to know if there is any way to add additional columns to this screen or create a report/query that we can adjust the columns that are displayed? - Patty Porter - Patricia Porter Mon 4/1/24 1:02 PM
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Kay Brewer Mon 4/1/24 12:37 PM

Not sure if there's a way to do this with a report, but we found this functionality in the Admin tools under the Users section. The filter there has a flag that says "reports to self" that Patty with our team found. Marking it here in case it helps someone else in the future.

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