Report filter - Multiple filters with one prompt


Is it possible to create a ticket report that filters on multiple fields but using a single prompt?

For example, I would like a ticket report that searches the title, description, and requester fields for 1 search word.

I know I can use the search feature in TDX, but it returns Google type results as opposed to a standard grid view with all tickets that meet the criteria.

Tags report
Asked by Joe Rojas on Mon 3/25/24 10:40 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 3/25/24 11:24 AM

Hello Joe,

There's currently no prompt feature for reports that will do this. You'd have to add filters for those fields individually and mark them all as prompted so you could search through them one by one.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you Mark. - Joe Rojas Mon 3/25/24 2:20 PM