External searching
Someone from our web development team wanted me to ask:
Can TeamDynamix (Knowledge Base) act as a search source in a federated search with SharePoint Online (SharePoint in Office365) or any other platform?
Asked by Kay Brewer
on Thu 3/14/24 2:04 PM
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Answer (1)
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Brittany Renn
Thu 3/14/24 2:51 PM
Hi Kay,
I don't believe there is any way to incorporate external results in the TeamDynamix search currently. I would suggest submitting this as an Enhancement Request.
Brittany Renn
TDX Support
No feedback
Thanks for your answer. Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, it sounds like you're talking about incorporating external results into a TD search, and we were wondering if we could incorporate results from TD into a search from Sharepoint Online or something similar.
- Kay Brewer
Thu 3/14/24 2:54 PM
This I'm not so sure about Kay, as I don't know the capabilities of SharePoint Online to go and search for content on sites external to SharePoint. If it can perform like a Google or other search engine search, then maybe? But we have nothing specific built to allow for it to happen natively or via specific integrations.
- Mark Sayers
Thu 3/14/24 3:06 PM