Chart font size and spacing


I there a way to space out service in a chart so they are not bunched up together?

Tags chart spacing
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Wed 3/13/24 1:59 PM Last edited Wed 3/13/24 2:01 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Wed 3/13/24 2:33 PM

Hi Michael,

Unfortunately that is being determined automatically based on the number of items the chart is attempting to track. This would constitute an enhancement to ask for that to either be better at spacing each chart result (bars in this case) and their titles, OR allow for configuration of those fonts and spacing in report charting.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

No feedback
I've been running into the same problem that Michael has highlighted in this question. Was there an enhancement request opened for this? If so I'd love to "upvote" it so there's additional "market evidence" when you're looking at which feature requests to include in future releases. - Zoë Crabtree Tue 3/26/24 2:09 PM