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Chart font size and spacing

I there a way to space out service in a chart so they are not bunched up together?
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 3/13/2024 2:33:25 PM by Mark Sayers

Labels for X and Y Axes in charts

Is there a way of adding labels to teh X and Y Axes in the charts?
Thanks for your time!
1 Answer
Jayne Dissette Last activity on 2/4/2022 12:39:46 PM by Mark Sayers

Can I have a third line on a line chart?

I am working on some reports and charts and need to add a third line. Are we limited to two? I understand there is a limit of 10 for pie charts and is there a list of limits we can reference?
Additionally, is there a way of importing a chart ...
1 Answer
Jayne Dissette Last activity on 1/14/2022 12:43:38 PM by Jayne Dissette