Copying Forms Question


I am trying to copy a specific form in TDAdmin and only certain forms are showing up in the list that I can copy from. Is there a setting that I'm missing? I've attached an image with the highlighted form in the background being the one that I want to copy but it is not available in the list.


Tags forms tdadmin
Asked by Riley Fay on Wed 3/13/24 12:25 PM Last edited Wed 3/13/24 12:25 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Riley Fay Wed 3/13/24 12:35 PM

Disregard. Self-resolved.

Open the desired copyable form and go to the Services tab and click the "Convert to Shared". This will make the form available to be copied.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you for posting the solution when you discovered it, Riley!
Today, you are my hero!
- Ted Stahl Wed 5/15/24 4:10 PM
Happy to help, Ted! - Riley Fay Wed 5/15/24 4:16 PM