Prim Resp Group vs Resp Group

Can someone explain the difference please? I currently am using Prim Resp Group for all the reports.

Tags group prim resp
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Mon 3/11/24 6:56 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 3/12/24 9:26 AM

Hello Michael,

You can view these definitions on the "Help" page for any ticket report:

Prim Resp Group is defined as: The group listed as primarily responsible for a ticket.

Resp Group is: A group who is responsible for a ticket, either directly on the ticket or through an active ticket task.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark...Thank you for defining these for me. Currently I have Prim Response Group and Status as the filtering columns in reports for all the groups. It seems to be working well. However, we are beginning to utilize Tasks. These for the most part are assigned to a person and not a group. In the builtin "My Assigned Tickets" report does that also pull in Tasks? If we decide to create report to replace that, what would be filtering columns that would pull in Tickets and Tasks? Would that be "Responsibility" as oppose to "Prim Resp?" - Michael Rodriguez Wed 4/24/24 10:01 AM
You would be able to use Resp (Current) or else Responsibility on a ticket report to pull in tickets where the person was assigned to either the ticket or one of its tasks directly. - Mark Sayers Wed 4/24/24 10:12 AM
Does the built-in My Assigned Tickets pull in Tasks also? - Michael Rodriguez Wed 4/24/24 11:41 AM
Yes it does. - Mark Sayers Wed 4/24/24 12:39 PM
Well it doesn't *show* the tasks, but it shows tickets that you have tasks you're responsible for, yes. - Mark Sayers Wed 4/24/24 12:40 PM