I would like to stop Auto-Notifications from reopening a ticket such as an out of office

I would like to stop Auto-Notifications from reopening a ticket such as an out of office.  Is there a way to filter incoming messages to stop certain responses from automatically re-opening a ticket.

Tags automatic-notification
Asked by Jeff Schilling on Tue 2/27/24 8:25 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 2/27/24 9:28 AM

Hello Jeff,

Our recommendation for this sort of thing has always been to craft an Inbox-level email box rule that checks for those sorts of message contents and then moves them or deletes them before the email monitor can process them.

Unfortunately within TeamDynamix or within an email replies monitor there isn't a filtering capability to achieve this on that end, it has to happen before the email gets picked up by the reply monitor.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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