Workflow Notification Step

Hi all,

Can someone please help me understand the what the purpose of the Recipient Role(s) selection in the notification step? Looks like it isn't required. Thank you.

Tags notification workflow role step recipient
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Tue 2/20/24 11:13 PM
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Answer (1)

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David Tod Wed 2/21/24 8:10 AM

It's for notifying people by function, instead of choosing specific recipients. The help under the question mark is pretty useful:

This allows you to configure recipients that are dependent on the ticket. In the event that the selected role evaluates to a specific group, only individuals with access to the ticketing application can receive a notification on behalf of a group.

When a person referenced by a role is not a "User" record or has been deactivated, the role will not add a recipient. Similarly, if a group referenced by a role has been deactivated or has nobody to receive the notification, the role will not add a recipient.

If a "Manager" role is selected relative to the Requestor and it evaluates to the requestor, the role will not add a recipient. This prevents manager-based ticket notifications from going to requestors who are acting as their own manager.

The Department Manager role is based on the account/department value of the ticket, not the requestor.

When none of the listed roles evaluate successfully, the resources listed in Fallback for Recipient Role(s) will be used instead.

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