PowerApps within TDX Asset Management

Just wondering if anyone has used Microsoft Power Apps or Power Automate within the TDX environment? We use a power app to checkout assets and have users agree to terms of use, and this also stores device and user info in a sharepoint list.  My manager was wondering how we can convert this from a separate power app (we use it in a teams tab) to being used within TDX.

Tags assets teams-integration powerapp power-automate connectors
Asked by Christopher Vetek on Thu 2/15/24 7:53 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 2/16/24 9:34 AM

Hello Christopher,

I do not know of any clients trying to use PowerApps specifically, though I have heard of Power Automate. Unfortunately though I do not know what if any configurations they made to allow that to potentially connect to and interact with their TDX environments. Possibly other clients have some suggestions for you though, and I'll ask our PS team if they've ever heard of clients doing anything with these in conjunction with TeamDynamix.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
seems like in our use case it might be better to use forms in tdx and connect that somehow to assets. - Christopher Vetek Fri 2/16/24 1:02 PM