iPaaS Connector - API action requires SSL Cert


I have a Custom Connector with Custom API Actions, however the endpoint server requires an SSL certificate. Is there any way in iPaaS to apply a certificate, flow, configuration, on the proxy etc?



Tags certificate iPaaS
Asked by Alex Haberer on Fri 2/9/24 11:06 AM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Medaugh Fri 2/9/24 4:55 PM

Hi Alex,

Thanks for the additional info. Looks like there are a couple of tickets from the team in on this, as well as an enhancement - sorry I didn't pick up on the context and had to ask you to reiterate!

At this juncture, the best option is going to be following that enhancement request through. I know that basic auth + cert isn't something that's available on any auth methods currently, but the enhancement can hopefully either a) get the appropriate OAuth2 setup available or b) get the basic auth + cert option made available).


Mark Medaugh
Sr. Technical Consultant

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Mark Medaugh Fri 2/9/24 12:20 PM

Hi Alex,

The short answer is "it depends." Is there a particular connector that we can take a peek at? That will give me sufficient info to either provide direction on how to accomplish it, or to recommend putting in an enhancement request.

Mark Medaugh
Sr. Technical Consultant

No feedback
Within my "Testing - AH" flow step 41 "USD - Solarwinds: URL Test" that one has the Basic HTTP auth and everything setup correclty.

The step 42 Solarwindws API Service is a secondary attempt where we may look at using Oauth, howerver I didn't see a generic one there was google, okta, box, etc... Not exactly sure what the difference are just yet.

Overall, I was able to use postman to run the same API endpoint and auth to get the same errors, then I downloaded and applied the cert within postman and returned my desired response.

So the only thing I can think of was to check with support on a cert.

- Alex Haberer Fri 2/9/24 12:33 PM