Project Status Report

Can I run the project status report for an individual plan? I have multiple plans in one project and I would like a similar report to the project status report but broken out by each plan. Alternatively, I would love to move a plan over to a new project if possible.

Please note that All plans are Card Walls.

Tags report Cardwall MovePlan
Asked by Steve Pereira on Thu 1/25/24 3:01 PM Last edited Thu 1/25/24 3:01 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 1/25/24 3:41 PM

Hello Steve,

A plan isn't a filterable item on that report unfortunately. I also don't know of a way to create a project from a plan directly, though you can move plans between projects if that is a need.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

No feedback
How do you move a plan between projects? - Steve Pereira Thu 1/25/24 4:22 PM
How do you move a plan between projects? - Steve Pereira Thu 1/25/24 4:22 PM
The tasks/cards themselves can be moved to a card wall on another project, so you'd create the project, create a new card wall, then open Backlog Manager from the TDNext Projects app and add both plans to it, then drag and drop all the tasks over to the new plan. - Mark Sayers Thu 1/25/24 4:36 PM
That worked. thank You very much - Steve Pereira Thu 1/25/24 5:20 PM
You are very welcome! - Mark Sayers Fri 1/26/24 9:35 AM