Ticket Responsibility When Unassigning Technicians
Is there a way to automatically assign a ticket to the previous responsible group when unassigning tickets? The current behavior is for the ticket to have no primary or group responsibility, potentially being lost to visibility.
Asked by Anderson Hanchett
on Wed 12/20/23 1:29 PM
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Becky Klein
Wed 12/20/23 1:43 PM
I have a report on a desktop to watch for "orphaned" tickets like that so that I can catch them and make sure they get assigned. Have you considered that option?
1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you, Becky. I have the same and can share the report with our Tier 1, but ideally, we would want unassigned tickets to drop back to the last assigned group, if this is a possibility.
- Anderson Hanchett
Wed 12/20/23 1:47 PM