Emails that come into a TDX ticketing email monitor

We receive many emails that are sent to TDX ticketing monitored email accounts here, and thus become tickets.  Often, the sending email account is NOT the user's Alert/Notification Email account, but is either their Alt Email account or their Primary email account.  Knowing that the notification will be sent to the Alert/Notification Email account, is there a way to capture the sending email account on the ticket?  Also, is there a way to capture any cc'ed email accounts from the original sender's email?

Tags email-notification email-monitor
Asked by Jon Ricketson on Thu 11/30/23 10:06 AM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Fri 12/1/23 9:35 AM

Hi Jon,

Unfortunately, I don't believe there is anyway to capture the sending email and have that stick the ticket currently. I'd probably suggest submitting this as an Enhancement Request so that kind of feature can be considered in future versions. 

As for capturing any CC'd emails, there is a ticket app setting in TDAdmin > Applications > Ticket App > Settings, called "Add Contacts from additional email recipients." That should at least add those users as contacts to the ticket (if enabled). 

Hope this helps! 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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Thank you Brittany. I will submit an enhancement request. The CC'd emails setting - that also only works for email accounts that are known to TDX, yes? - Jon Ricketson Mon 12/4/23 1:59 PM
Yes, it cannot *create* new Customer accounts in TDX if the email address in question does not already coincide with an existing User/Customer account. - Mark Sayers Mon 12/4/23 2:23 PM
Thanks Mark. We don't actually want to create new User/Customer accounts. We just want the CC'd email addresses captured in the ticket somewhere - even in the feed would be ok. - Jon Ricketson Mon 12/4/23 3:01 PM