Project Task Assignment (Multiple) Notification Template

I'm currently trying to find and edit the template for notifications about project task assignment, but I haven't been able to identify which template it is.

I have check all templates under Project and Task Notification Templates.

Can you help me identify which template I need to edit?

By default the project task assignment notifications do not provide a link to the project task.

Tags configure-email project-notifications custom-notifications
Asked by Harrison Fleisher on Mon 11/6/23 4:57 PM
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Answers (3)

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Brittany Renn Tue 11/7/23 8:53 AM

Hi Harrison, 

I believe that notificaiton should use the "Task Assigned" notification template in TDAdmin > Notification Templates > Task Notification Templates > Task Assigned. Let me know if that doesn't line up with what you're seeing, though. 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

1 of 1 users found this helpful.

Mark Sayers Tue 11/7/23 8:54 AM

Hello Harrison,

Under TDAdmin > Notification Templates > Task Notification Templates, there is a template there for Task Assigned which is what is used for that notification.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.

Taren Conley Thu 4/18/24 2:07 PM Last edited Thu 4/18/24 2:07 PM

We just encountered this same issue!

The Notification Template that IS editable is "Task Assigned" however the one that ISNT edtable is "Task Assignment (multiple)" - see attached.

Is there a way for access this template for editing?  Specifically, we would like to change the hyperlinks so that they direct the resource to TDClient vs TDNext

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The multiple version should just be a variation of the same Task Assigned template where its code accounts for when it is notifying about multiple tasks being assigned. In the case of multiple assignments though, it will not be able to provide links to each and every task the user was just assigned to. The system isn't designed to do that. - Mark Sayers Thu 4/18/24 2:35 PM
Thanks Mark - can you review the attachment and confirm that these 2 Email samples are truly the same? the layout, verbiage and even the link formats are different. - Taren Conley Thu 4/18/24 2:55 PM
They are different versions of the same notification template, yes. - Mark Sayers Thu 4/18/24 3:17 PM
The Multiple version uses fewer fields because it cannot provide specifics about task names and such when multiple tasks are being assigned to a user/group. - Mark Sayers Thu 4/18/24 3:17 PM
Thanks again Mark -
Im no good with HTML, can you show me which part specifically pertains to the notification with multiple task assignments and the ProjectName hyperlinks:

<td style="font-size: 19px; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #0072C6;">
<td style="font-size: 16px;">
<!-- Spacing Row -->
<td style="padding: 0px;">
<!--Summary Section-->
<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"
style="width: 100%; border: 1px solid #0072C6; border-collapse: collapse; font-family: 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;">
- Taren Conley Thu 4/18/24 3:44 PM
It would be only the parts outside of the {{#IsNotMultipleItems}} {{/IsNotMutipleItems}} tags. - Mark Sayers Thu 4/18/24 3:47 PM