Auto-Refresh does not seem to be working


The auto refresh checkbox does not do ANYTHING.  We have done several tests and still, it does not automatically refresh the tickets.
Hope you can fix this issue or let us know what might be the problem.




Tags refresh autorefresh tdx refreshing-data auto-refresh
Asked by Kenneth Reiersen on Mon 10/23/23 2:24 PM Last edited Mon 10/23/23 2:24 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Mon 10/23/23 2:26 PM

Hi Kenneth, 

When waiting for the new item to appear on the desktop, did you stay on the same browser tab? If you open a desktop and immediately switch to another tab, the timer will just be paused. So that means when you return to the desktop, the timer will be unpaused.

Brittany Renn​​​​​​​
TDX Support

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Wow... that could explain it. Is there any way to make the timer keep counting when I'm on another tab? - Kenneth Reiersen Mon 10/23/23 2:29 PM
Unfortunately, I don't think so. The refresh rate is fixed at 5 minutes currently. You'd probably want to submit an Enhancement Request to ask for a more frequent refresh rate: - Brittany Renn Mon 10/23/23 2:30 PM