Need to add a resource to a project request, or change the requestor.


I need to allow a user to make changes to a submitted project request. In order for the user to do that they need to either be the requester or a resource on the request. 

When I try to add a user as either of those, I am presented with a list of only 19 users, which lacks the user I want to add. I cannot find out what role/permission/group they have in common to have them appear on this list of 19. 

Is there anything you can think of?


Tags project request
Asked by Ashley Bouchie on Tue 9/26/23 7:34 AM
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Brittany Renn Tue 9/26/23 9:11 AM

Hi Ashley, 

I would start with making sure the user meets the requirements for being added as a resource to a project, which are outlined here: Let me know if that helps at all! 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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