Multiple department fields on a form?

Hi there. Is it possible to have multiple department attribute fields on a form? I tried adding a new field but there was no department field type available. There is only the one generic department field that is on every form. I have a customer who wants to be able to select multiple departments on a form for the purpose of identifying responsibilities by department. Any ideas?


John Allen  

Tags forms attributes multiple Department
Asked by John Allen on Thu 9/7/23 4:30 PM
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Mark Sayers Thu 9/7/23 4:37 PM

Hello John,

No there is only one acct/depth field available on ticket forms.

You could track this by using a custom attribute though.


Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark, this request came up again from my customer and I just wanted to ask you what you mean by "You could track this by using a custom attribute though." Can you please explain what that means in layman's terms? I just don't understand. Thanks! - John Allen Thu 10/19/23 2:14 PM
Create a custom attribute for your ticketing form (the form this service in particular is using), and add it to that form so the requestor can indicate which department may have a responsibility for whatever piece of the request that field is meant to represent.

You'd do this in TDAdmin > Applications > [your ticket application] > Forms, open the form in question, and use the field picker pane on the right to drag the option for a new field into the form's builder section and create the new field.
- Mark Sayers Thu 10/19/23 2:23 PM
So the Field Type for the custom attribute would be what? Text Box (Single Line) so people could write in their department? - John Allen Thu 10/19/23 2:27 PM
Possibly, if you don't want to have to manage a list of choices that just are a repeat of the actual Accts/Depts that already exist. - Mark Sayers Thu 10/19/23 2:29 PM
Oh, so another option would be a dropdown field type with a copy of the list of departments in Accts/Depts? - John Allen Thu 10/19/23 2:32 PM
Right, but in that case if you did do that you'd have to input all of your Accts/Depts as choices in that attribute's configuration and then possibly keep them updated periodically as department names change or are added/removed. - Mark Sayers Thu 10/19/23 2:35 PM
Yes, that could be a problem. Are there any other field type options for this other than a text box or a dropdown list (radio buttons are basically the same thing as a dropdown list)? - John Allen Thu 10/19/23 2:39 PM
There are plenty of other field types, sure. You can see them in the "Type" drop down when you go to add a new field using the steps I mentioned previously. Anything other than a Textbox type field though is going to have some element of maintenance of the provided choice values included though. - Mark Sayers Thu 10/19/23 2:41 PM
Okay, thanks for your help Mark. - John Allen Thu 10/19/23 2:43 PM